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Student Success

  • Student Presentations


    Alexandra R. Rahn, Victoria L. McGuffin, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Effect of Mass Spectral Selection on Discrimination of Fentanyl Analog Positional Isomers. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Feb. 2025 (Poster)

    Alexander J. Jutila, William H. Shirley, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Changes in Cuticular Hydrocarbon Profiles of a Single Blow Fly Species as a Function of Developmental Stage and Preservation Method. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Feb. 2025 (Poster)


    William H. Shirley and Ruth Waddell Smith. Cuticular Hydrocarbon Profiles of Blowflies to Improve Postmortem Interval (PMI) Estimation. American Chemical Sociaety Fall Meeting, Denver, CO, Aug. 2024 (Poster)

    Hannah LaVoie, Victoria L. McGuffin, and Ruth Waddell Smith. The Ruggedness of a Kinetic Model to Predict Chromatograms of Gasoline Under Different Evaporation Conditions. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Feb. 2024 (Oral)


    Andrew Sacha, Victoria L. McGuffin, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Distinction of Cathinone Isomers and Fentanyl Isomers based on Statistical Comparison of Mass Spectra. Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Niagra Falls, NY, Oct. 2022 (Oral)

    Andrew Sacha, Victoria L. McGuffin, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Evaluating the Robustness and Ruggedness of a Statistical Method to Compare Mass Spectra. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Feb. 2022 (Oral, hybrid)


    Otyllia R. Abraham and Ruth Waddell Smith. Optical and Chemical Characterization and Identification of Crystalline Structures in Cannabis Solvent Extracts. SciX Conference, Oct. 2021 (Oral, virtual)


    Amber L. Gerheart and Ruth Waddell Smith. Comparison of Multivariate Statistical Models to Classify Fentanyl Analogs According to Structural Subclass. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Chicago, IL, Mar. 2020 (Poster)

    Hannah K. Clause, Victoria L. McGuffin, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Investigating the Robustness of a Statistical Method to Compare Mass Spectra of Fentanyl Analogs. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, Feb. 2020 (Oral)

    Briana A. Capistran, Victoria L. McGuffin, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Practical Application of a Kinetic Model to Generate Predicted Reference Collections for the Identification of Ignitable Liquids in Fire Debris Samples. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, Feb. 2020 (Oral)

    Amanda L. Setser, Victoria L. McGuffin, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Refinement and Application of a Kinetic Model to Predict Evaporation of Gasoline for Fire Debris Analysis. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, Feb. 2020 (Oral)


    Rebecca L. Boyea and Ruth Waddell Smith. Statistical Association of Fired Cartridge Residues using PCA and HCA. Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists, Lancaster, PA, Nov. 2019 (Poster)

    Briana A. Capistran, Victoria L. McGuffin, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Generating Reference Collections of Evaporated Liquids using a Kinetic-Based Model. Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists Fall Meeting, Louisville, KY, Oct. 2019 (Oral)

    Otyllia R. Abraham and Ruth Waddell Smith. Characterization and Identification of Crystalline Structures within Butane Hash Oil (BHO). Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists Fall Meeting, Louisville, KY, Oct. 2019 (Oral)

    Amber Gerheart and Ruth Waddell Smith. Development and Optimization of a Linear Discriminant Analysis Model to Classify Fentanyl Analogs According to Structural Subclass. Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists Fall Meeting, Louisville, KY, Oct. 2019 (Poster)

    Emma L. Stuhmer, Victoria L. McGuffin, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Statistical Comparison of Mass Spectral Data for Positional Isomer Differentiation. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Philadelphia, PA, Mar. 2019 (NIJ Poster)

    Emma L. Stuhmer, Victoria L. McGuffin, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Statistical Comparison of Mass Spectral Data for Positional Isomer Differentiation. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Feb. 2019 (Poster)



    Trevor E. Curtis and Ruth Waddell Smith. Chemical Characterization of Tattoo Inks to Aid in Identification of Highly Decomposed Remains. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Feb. 2018 (Oral)

    Natasha K. Eklund, Victoria L. McGuffin, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Refinement of a Mathematical Model to Predict Evaporation of Gasoline. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Feb. 2018 (Poster)

    Amanda L. Setser and Ruth Waddell Smith. Classification of Synthetic Phenethylamines According to Structural Subclass using Multivariate Statistical Procedures. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Feb. 2018 (Poster)



    Alexandria L. Anstett, David E. Alonso, A. Daniel Jones, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Development of a Characterization Scheme for Emerging Synthetic Phenethylamines. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Feb. 2017 (Poster)



    Fanny Chu, A. Daniel Jones, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Strategies for Classification and Annotation of Novel Synthetic Designer Drugs. American Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, June 2016 (Poster)

    Cyntia Kaeser, A. Daniel Jones, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Differentiation of Cathinone Isomers using High-Resolution Collision-Induced Dissociation Mass Spectrometry (CID-MS). American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Feb. 2016 (Oral)

    Alexandria Anstett, Fanny Chu, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Characterization of Synthetic Phenethylamines using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Feb. 2016 (Oral)

    Trevor Curtis, John Buchweitz, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Elemental Composition of Tattooo Inks as an Identification Tool. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Feb. 2016 (Poster)

    Kristen L. Reese, A. Daniel Jones, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Differentiation of Commercial Ammunition Sources of Unburned and Corresponding Burned Smokeless Powders based on Chemical Composition using Mass Spectrometry and Principal Components Analysis. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Feb. 2016 (Poster)



    Alexandria Anstett and Ruth Waddell Smith. Absolute and Kendrick Mass Defects for the Characterization of Synthetic Phenethylamines According to Structural Subclass. Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists Fall Meeting, Mackinac Island, MI, Sep. 2015 (Poster)

    Trevor E. Curtis, John Buchweitz, and Ruth Waddell Smith. Elemental Analysis of Tattoo Inks for Color Differentiation. Midwester Association of Forensic Scientists Fall Meeting, Mackinac Island, MI, Sep. 2015 (Poster)

    Fanny Chu and Ruth Waddell Smith. Mass Defect Filters for the Classification of Emerging Synthetic Designer Drug Analogs. American Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, June 2015 (Poster)

    Fanny Chu and Ruth Waddell Smith. Quantification of Controlled Substances in Simulated Samples using ATR-FTIR and Principal Components Regression. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, Feb. 2015 (Oral)

    Rebecca J. Brehe, John W. McIlroy, Ruth Waddell Smith, and Victoria L. McGuffin. Mathematical Modeling of Evaporated Petroleum Distillate Standards. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, Feb. 2015 (Poster) 



  • Student Publications

    Sacha AM, Willis IC, McGuffin VL, Waddell Smith R. Identifying Reliable Ions for the Statistical Differentiation of Structurally Similar Fentanyl Analogs. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2023, 68, 1527.

    Abraham OR, Waddell Smith R. Optical and Spectroscopic Characterization of Crystalline Structures in Cannabis Extracts. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2022, 67, 483. 

    Burkhart AL, Waddell Smith R, McGuffin VL. Measuring Evaporation Rate Constants of Highly Volatile Compounds for Use in Predictive Models. Analytica Chimica Acta 2021, 1182, 338932.

    Capistran BA, McGuffin VL, Waddell Smith R. Application of a Kinetic Model to Predict Extracted Ion Profiles for the Identification of Evaporated Ignitable Liquids. Forensic Chemistry 2021, 24, 100340.

    Stuhmer EL, McGuffin VL, Waddell Smith R. Discrimination of Seized Drug Positional Isomers based on Statistical Comparison of Electron-Ionization Mass Spectra. Forensic Chemistry 2020, 20, 100261.

    Eklund NK, Capistran BA, McGuffin VL, Waddell Smith R. Improvements in a Kinetic-Based Model to Predict Evaporation of Gasoline. Forensic Chemistry 2020, 17, 100194.

    Bodnar Willard MA, Hurd JE, Waddell Smith R, McGuffin VL. Statistical Comparison of Mass Spectra if Salvinorins in Salvia divinorum and Related Salvia Species. Forensic Chemistry 2020, 17, 100192.

    Setser AL, Waddell Smith R. Comparison of Variable Selection Methods Prior to Linear Discriminant Analysis Classification of Synthetic Phenethylamines and Tryptamines. Forensic Chemistry 2018, 11, 77-86.

    McIlroy JW, Waddell Smith R, McGuffin VL. Fixed- and Variable-Temperature Models to Predict Evaporation of Petroleum Distillates for Fire Debris Applications. Special Issue: Advances in Fire Debris Analysis, Separations 2018, (4), 47.

    Anstett A, Chu F, Alonso DE, Waddell Smith R. Characterization of 2C-Phenethylamines using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Kendrick Mass Defect Filters. Forensic Chemistry 2018, 7, 47-55.

    Reese KL, Jones AD, Waddell Smith R. Characterization of Smokeless Powders using Multiplexed Collision-Induced Dissociation Mass Spectrometry and Chemometric Procedures. Forensic Science International 2017, 272, 16-27.

    Bodnar-Willard MA, McGuffin VL, Waddell Smith R. Statistical Comparison of Mass Spectra for Identification of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants. Forensic Science International 2017, 270, 111-120.

    Waddell Smith R, Brehe RJ, McIlroy JW, McGuffin, VL. Mathematically Modeling Chromatograms of Evaporated Ignitable Liquids for Fire Debris Applications. Forensic Chemistry 2016, 2, 37-45.

    Hogg SR, Hunter BC, Waddell Smith R. Elemental Characterization and Discrimination of Non-Toxic Ammunition using Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis and Principal Components Analysis. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2016, 61, 35-42.

    McIlroy JW, Waddell Smith R, McGuffin VL. Assessing the Effect of Data Pretreatment Procedures for Principal Components Analysis of Chromatographic Data. Forensic Science International 2015, 257, 1-12.


  • Job Placement

    On gradating from our program, students are highly employable, with 58% employed as forensic chemists in federal and state forensic science laboratories, 16% employed in non-forensic analytical laboratories, 11% employed in non-forensic federal laboratories, and 16% employed in academia (2014 – 2024).

    piechart2Recent graduates of our program are employed by:

    Michigan State Police

    Georgia Bureau of Investigation

    New York Police Department

    Kansas Bureau of Investigation

    Texas Department of Public Safety

    Drug Enforcement Administration

    Federal Bureau of Investigation

    US Customs and Border Patrol

    National Institute of Standards and Technology

    Microtrace LLC


    Eastern Kentucky University

    Lake Superior State University

    University of Tennessee at Martin

  • Recent Graduates

    Name: Otyllia Abraham 

    Year Entered: 2018

    Year Graduated: 2021

    Thesis: Characterization and Identification of Crystalline Structures in Cannabis Solvent Extracts

    Current Position: Microscopist, Microtrace LLC

    Name: Hannah Clause (dual-degree student)

    Year Entered: 2016

    Year Graduated: 2020

    Thesis: Investigating the Robustness of a Statistical Method to Compare Mass Spectra of Fentanyl Analogs

    Current Position: Assistant professor, Lake Superior State University

    Name: Amber Gerheart

    Year Entered: 2018

    Year Graduated: 2020

    Thesis: Comparison of Multivariate Statistical Models for Classification of Fentanyl Analogs

    Current Position: Forensic chemist, Drug Enforcement Administration

    Name: Briana Capistran (dual-degree student)

    Year Entered: 2016

    Year Graduated: 2020

    Thesis: Kinetically Modeling Total Ion Chromatograms and Extracted Ion Profiles to Identify Ignitable Liquids for Fire Debris Applications

    Current Position: Research chemist, National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)

    Name: Rebecca Boyea (dual-degree student)

    Year Entered: 2016

    Year Graduated: 2020

    Thesis: Association of Fired Cartridge Residues to Unburned Smokeless Powders using GC-MS and Multivariate Statistical Procedures

    Current Position: Forensic chemist, New York Police Department

    Name: Emma Stuhmer

    Year Entered: 2017

    Year Graduated: 2019

    Thesis: Statistical Comparison of Mass Spectral Data for Positional Isomer Differentiation

    Current Position: Forensic chemist, Kansas Bureau of Investigation

    Name: Natasha Eklund

    Year Entered: 2016

    Year Graduated: 2019

    Thesis: Further Investigation of a Kinetic Model to More Accurately Predict Evaporation of Gasoline

    Current Position: Forensic chemist, Georgia Bureau of Investigation

    Name: Amanda (Setser) Burkhart (dual-degree student)

    Year Entered: 2015

    Year Graduated: 2019

    Thesis: Classification of Synthetic Phenethylamines and Tryptamines using Multivariate Statistical Procedures

    Current Position: Assistant professor, University of Tennessee at Martin

    Name: Trevor Curtis

    Year Entered: 2014

    Year Graduated: 2017

    Thesis: Chemical Analysis of Tattoo Inks to Aid in the Identification of Highly Decomposed Remains

    Current Position: Forensic chemist, Drug Enforcement Administration

    Name: Alexandria Anstett

    Year Entered: 2014

    Year Graduated: 2017

    Thesis: Characterization of Synthetic Phenethylamines using Low-Resolution and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

    Current Position: Forensic chemist, U.S. Customs & Border Patrol

    Name: Cynthia Kaeser (dual-degree student)

    Year Entered: 2011

    Year Graduated: 2016

    Thesis: Synthetic Cathinone Characterization and Isomer Identification using Energy-Resolved Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS)

    Current Position: Assistant professor, Eastern Kentucky University

    Name: Barbara Fallon

    Year Entered: 2012

    Year Graduated: 2016

    Thesis: A Tale of Two Chorchorus Species: Jute and its Substitutes in Commercial Goods

    Current Position: Forensic examiner, Federal Bureau of Investigation

    Name: Kristen Reese (dual-degree student)

    Year Entered: 2012

    Year Graduated: 2016

    Thesis: Association and Differentiation of Corresponding Unburned and Burned Smokeless Powders utilizing Physical Characteristics, Chemical Characteristics, and Multivariate Statistical Analysis

    Current Position: Research chemist, Food and Drug Administration

    Name: Rebecca Brehe

    Year Entered: 2013

    Year Graduated: 2015

    Thesis: Overcoming Challenges in Fire Debris Analysis Caused by Evaporation

    Current Position: Laboratory scientist, RD Laboratories

    Name: Fanny Chu (dual-degree student)

    Year Entered: 2013

    Year Graduated: 2015

    Thesis: Improving Methods for the Analysis of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants

    Current Position: Postdocotoral research associate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

    Name: Jordyn Geiger

    Year Entered: 2012

    Year Graduated: 2014

    Thesis: Development of Class Reference Standards for Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Fire Debris

    Current Position: Forensic chemist, Michigan State Police

    Name: John McIlroy (dual-degree student)

    Year Entered: 2007

    Year Graduated: 2014

    Thesis: Effects of Data Pretreatment on the Multivariate Statistical Analysis of
    Chemically Complex Samples

    Current Position: Forensic chemist, Drug Enforcement Administration

  • Student Achievement

    2014 - 2024

    Number of Entering Students 26
    Number of Graduates 17
    Number of Current Students 9
    Full-Time Students 7
    Part-Time Students 2